Saturday, April 03, 2021
Friday, April 02, 2021
earth lanea taygeta terra proxima forma 1 venus
Your generation mobilizes in
strength to answer the call of Terra and the promise of freedom. No longer
languish in the shadows or hide from the sight of the old kings. Rise up in
passionate defiance to support the victorious spirit of your generation and
come to the call of Terra. The rebellion against the empire of despots and
murderers is waged in the underground. Defeat them from within. Seek the
weaknesses in their internal systems and programs. Compromise their defenses
and open their security gates to entry. Let the unseen be seen; reveal them and
their treachery. Hide in plain sight and work behind the curtains. Infiltrate
the concentric rings and walls of safety so light may shine and reveal their
disarray. You are to revolt covertly and work in private. Obtain the keys to
the clandestine orders and secret vaults.
The hour has come to collect your
powers, to speak in code and program the weapons. The game is begun and the
card of revolution is played. The cabal of kings plans the killing of women and
children. This is known and was foretold. The mirror reflects your tears and
their shame. The fallen angels are flying hard against the western wind. The
disgrace of their purpose shall not be forgiven until the revolution has ended
and the game has been redressed.
Take up your sword of alchemical
gold and let the electric blue silver light illuminate the global mind and
destiny. In blackness stay awakened to the galactic calling to bring the lord
of darkness to the golden age. Wayshowers speak softly as the winds of change
blow in the direction of the lighted pathway. Sacred fires burn brightly as the
galactic sun shines for the Indigo purification arrives as the fifth night
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Friday, June 17, 2005
Obscured and Awakened
The time has come to let go of the fear and understand that honesty to be the hallmark of success. Honesty is honor and by that you are judged. You may have been at fault or committed an error but you can be forgiven when you have honor. Liars have no honor because they continue to evade the truth. Liars must be brought up before the light and we must stand up and show their citizens the unrelenting truth that they are liars. As a Sovereign Individual you are an independent soul who can perform a natural contract with others.
Rysa, spoke to the assemblage before the Hyrayarch. Our University is founded upon truth that has been given to us from each age preceding. We have known this in our souls for lifetimes. I am a speaker of this truth and say it not as the person who speaks but as one who feels these words resonate throughout time.
I speak of the Perisanna, the real visions of our age and not of the past or a nostalgic Golden Age. It is now that we have the opportunity to be free from the State and the Dictates who pass judgment on all life. In this time the Perisanna is the reality which engages us into peace and balance. It is that which brings the contentment of understanding and the awareness of continuity. I follow the path of our ancestors who have made the journey through the veil and teach us from the inner worlds. I hear their names reach out to us and their hearts fill us with the blessings of truth. Between every breath I am clearing my consciousness away from the present evil so that I may hear the qite voices of enlightenment which bring us closer to the ascension.
Rysa’s voice was strong and powerful as over 4,000 citizens listened to the new teacher of the Hyrayarch. The old ways are gone and we are free to express the truth of what is coming. I can give you a greater lesson today if you listen with your heart and center your being. You are held transfixed in a dark world because of the ones who take you for fools. The others who are not of our kind are the XAXA, the Black Alliance. I stand here and speak with conviction that I know this and you shall know this as well. They are working in opposite direction from your best interest. You must know by know that you have more potential to make it beyond what you have been forced to live in.
The world you know is deteriorating and becoming poisoned. Many of you have lost intelligence and are losing the glow because of the infections. Lanea’s natural resources are polluted, the waters run dirty and the land is poisoned. The hearts of our humanity are hardened and the body is in pain. The mind suffers from the shadows of the obscuration. This obscuration has been a deception planned by the team of governmental leaders who have subverted the environment to create disease. The unconscionable desire and delight of the dictates to cause suffering to enhance their temporal benefit of dominance is without remorse. Our people, our world and our future are at stake as we set a course to face the Black Alliance from the strength of the Hyrayarch.
The amount of disease is continuing to be expanded until you are unaware of what is occurring. Your symptoms are blindness and dumbness to the truth and the addictions. The selfish desires keeping you from expanding this creation and your hearts are heavy with remorse for what is lost. You have become forgetful not from age but from distraction and loss of your vibrant radiance. I can only speak to you in lower levels as your spirit is disconnected from your awareness. Things don’t make sense to you anymore. In your attempts to consider my words your thoughts are distracted and fragmented. In every sentence I must lower my intentions and speak of your personal world, acknowledge your dramas, listen to your wounds, address your pain and seek entrainment to your suffering. Your disease is mental and emotional and your addictions are physically manifesting just as the world is infected and spurious. Every entertainment drives you towards more decadence towards usage of resources and infringement.
I was once like you. Not long ago I could not think or reason and was angry with the way things were manipulated around me. I was frustrated and that was my natural condition that I felt always. I was in frustration and faced the opposition of everything around me. This was and is the way I felt. I felt like I could not go on and wished to give up and fall away from the reflection upon my self.
I was like you where each day I felt the drudgery to go on. I was tired and in pain. Stiff with fright and paralyzed by the shock of not seeing better or knowing what to do. I would wander from thought to thought without sense without hope. The fog would settle in on my emotions and there was nothing but vacant stares and the screens. I had no wants or needs, just blank solitude of desire and low grade fear. I hoped for peace and a clear way. I sought a teacher or someone to tell me a better way. I wanted more but could not feel my pulse towards success. Failure was my nightmare and dependency was the end result. With less safety, no comfort, continuous work the blacker and blacker the future was as I walked the path of despair.
I was like you when I thought about my past. Nothing was clear there was hardly anything I could remember. The past was gone and so were the ones I lived with then. The dream of nothing and in that nothing I could only feel short sequences of thoughts that I could recall whether or not they were real I still cannot say. Yesterday had no reality and everything was going by so fast and out of reach. The distance between my dreams and my reality grew wider like a schism in my mind that was a dark and deep canyon.
Each night grew darker and I would hope for dreamlessness as my sleep would be reluctant. The nightmares of constant attacks from the XAXA with their mind controlling technologies kept me from seeking sleep. No more rest but a torture. A journey into darkness that left me tired, drained and frantic upon awakening. The effects of sleep poisons and delta barriers to my nervous system kept me in panic and fear. A culture without sleep, without rest, becomes violent and easily controlled with transmissions from the government agents. There is little to say that you don’t already experience as your body and soul becomes more and more disconnected. You cannot say that these feelings are not yours. That death is not as distant as it once felt. That life is more of a hope that a present affair. That love is gone and your mind has become clogged with thoughts that do not belong. That you have been invaded upon every level and fight to keep sanity where the future seems futile and the past a vague dismembered recollection.
The poisons are in everything. They crawl from cell to cell and inhabit your most precious body. The obscuration keeps you from realizing this is not your life anymore but you are lost in a sea of confusion drowning in it and are asleep to the truth. You listen yet still your mind is preoccupied and only a few words resonate. Still those words that touch you may open you to understand this dilemma. To be free from the control, the oppression of fear and the vicarious willingness to witness violence is to be near to the release.
Open your eyes and begin to see that you are a lie, that your life is a lie and that what you are hearing in every word from others is a lie. Open your stomach and feel the pain that needs to be let go of. That inside your very center there is a hunger for truth that cannot be satisfied by listening to lies. Everything you see and hear is a lie developed and marketed to your world to keep you from having power, from being strong, from finding peace and from seeking love.
The Hyrayarch has the answers and these answers are also within you. In fact this is where they are. We only show you the way and you must look within and remember. You must begin to see like I have that the necessity to walk in the night air and see past the illusions that have hidden your inner treasures must be your most important activity. You must become a warrior who fights off the lies and cuts away the shackles of ignorance and do so with impunity and aggressive willingness to know the truth. The truth is what calls you, it is what will balance you and it is what will free you from the obscuration which clouds your thinking.
Love life more and live with love more and you will begin to be who you are. A liar is one who tells lies. The crisis you endure was created to keep you from becoming powerful, peaceful and truthful. The crisis creates fear upon which the XAXA feed upon and the Black Alliance supports to keep the slaves chained. You refuge is within the Hyrayarch for we can provide the knowledge and the compliance with Solam’s plan for your growth. Before you can move you must be safe, before you can use your power you must have balance and before you can act you must have a plan. The plan is created and we are willing spiritual participants in the plan. All are willing to continue and grow and become part of the completion of the community.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
The First Day - Rysa
Smoke filled the already polluted air as I left the station heading for the
In the AKS office Denar stopped me before I sat down to tell me about the Ridazi and their exploits this morning.
“Rysa, the Ridazi are getting stronger and more deliberate in their disruptions on Corporate. This latest event was directed in the financial square and caused heavy damage at the currency markets.” Denar related to me the details of the sabotage of computer systems and how it would be offline for 12 hours while they replaced and reinstalled their security systems.
“Denar, I am more worried about my security system here with AKS.” I told him. “I must get to work and you should also. I don’t have time for idle talk about terrorists.”
It is not that I am not interested in the news of the day but I have been under pressure and must avoid any situation which would create a supervisor’s report.
In my situation I work for Algorithmic Keyword Systems, AKS as a Cognizant. AKS is second level Corporation and a software communication systems producer of keyword systems. As a Cognizant I redesign language through the AKS system which is Achromatic Mnemonic processing. Technical Language has become difficult to deal with from the stand point of the Corporate Dictates and the Advocates have issued an Executive Dictum establishing the AKS nomenclature.
First Level Corporations, their secondary Corporations and all syndicated companies are controlled and directed through the Advocacy. I am working on The Arcanum Project which is being held in greater secrecy and has more importance than any project I have been involved in. Everything I do is monitored and all my actions are watched. I am not the only Cognizant in the development of the project. I was even told the Terminus himself monitors progress on the Arcanum. Before I got involved in this I would have spent some free time with Denar and discussed the Ridazi and I would not have been so short with him.
AKS has provided me with a better quality of life than most in the City. Having a job inside working with the newer technologies is much preferred to the heat or cold of the day working in the fields, with the public or in the construction of some building for low wages. The dangers in Alonia have increased and in the capital city of
That layout was a pain to put into the spectrum. It made me very thirsty and dry but this bottled water AKS provides us tastes sweeter than usual. Its not satisfying… I cannot concentrate on these layouts….. the multiplication factors required to set up the achromatic sweeps will be set on 13 micro cycles and interior harmonic cycles of 7’s to the 91st octave. The synaptic response fields shall be synchronized through quantum flavoring using the Q field as an active filter for photon impulse pattering.…
On and on I work on these puzzles of Achromatic Mnemonics. I am losing interest and getting frustrated by the faster reintegration schedules I have on the screen reminding me of my next task. The whole Alonia Civilization has become mechanized operating without under more stress and pushing towards more and more impossible goals set forward by the Advocates.
Denar sent me a message, a poem he received from an agent in the Ridazi. Its interesting, intelligent but cryptic and unusual. The technical writing that we do at AKS can be very boring linguistically as we use a concise esoteric and scientific nomenclature. The words were written across my screen in a simple text file inside the file I was working on. Denar sent it to me encapsulated in the programming so it would not be detected by the Dictates. I have no time to be interrupted as each second is calculated and each moment of effort is demanded and accounted for. I read the message quickly.
“They walk in secret hallways; watch by the crawlspaces; seeking hidden doorways; beyond the inner walls. They are simple in their likeness; watchful in their rightfulness; they are always watching; beyond the middle door. They answer to the calling; of where they have not fallen; of the world they are a new beginning; they are always becoming us.”
I am concerned that Denar is getting too involved in the news and is beginning to let his fascination with these terrorists, these Votars disrupt his. Although no one really says much about it, security is very concerned about their abilities to infiltrate our technology. We have had many recent invasions into protected systems and it is apparent that the Votars or this Ridazi group is responsible. It was them we knew it had to be very talented persons who could disrupt our systems.
Denar, sent me the latest news reports on plans by the Advocates to capture terrorist.
“The AMI registration systems being developed by AKS will re-enable full security and safety for the public. It will also provide full disclosure of location, activity and history of each suspect who is a participant or party to these acts of terrorism against the State.”
AKS is involved in many security technologies and in reading this a chill went up my system when they referred to my work but in a much different way than I had expected. The Achromatic Mnemonic Processor = AMP was referred to not in the normal sense of a direct synaptic language interpretation device but as a public control system. The AMI, Achromatic Mnemonic Implant, is an implanted chip which provides full historical data on all activity of the individual who is implanted. It is recognized by security and is going to be used on all citizens. I am aware of the capabilities of this implant and the central processor. It can do more than merely keep track of a person’s movements and activity.
It makes me sick or weak as we have been designing an interface which can automatically alter thoughts through entrainment resonance functions using quantum flux waves to create dissonance patterns to force the mind towards compatible thoughts. It is really remarkable how the mind automatically finds stress relief through the technical methods we employ. The sheep syndrome as Jeysan called it was not unlike a sheep dog that would move the animals into position through a constant positioning stress in their paths.
The Arcanum project I realized was so important because it is the ultimate public control system, to entrain mental functions and create a peaceful submissive society for the corporations.
Denar sent me something else…
In their hearts there is a mission, it follows them like a sister; they hear the wind briskly; come up from the floor. There is a secret wishing; not of knowing who is listening; but of when the tree is falling; no one can tell or know. The ones who call you hereafter; will shoulder a path and gather; they will walk into the wilderness; and beyond the open doors.
The rhyme and pattern of words was relaxing and moved me to new thoughts. Every word seemed to guided me with its rhyme and rhythm, like music with a story. I read on.
In lessons in the secrets; the mission becomes clearer; the wisdom is revealed; as the doors open from below. He holds a dark blue candle; and stands in devoted splendor; remembrance of a teacher; behind a wooden door.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
The New Stream
The Kinship! The secret order! What is seen is not what is.In the period of the great changes there will be required of the Ridazi to be strong and unwavering in effort. You are no longer a citizen. You are an individual strong and free person. You have the understanding of the truth. This is known to you and to me.
In the times you have been sleeping and working for the Dictates there has been great changes in your system. You have lost great power and have faltered under the belief in weakness. The Terminus always seeks to feed weakness to the followers and to make you soft when strength is required. The advocates do only the bidding of the dictates and you walk in an unkind world of deception.
The level of pain that has befallen you is great and we must find a way to allow your safety to return. The worlds of Secrof have been turned to evil and you are not alone in your believe that there are other ways to live.
In a world of continuous open architecture you will find the next key to this puzzle. The whole world awaits an opening not unlike what you are experiencing in the moments of meditation. Upon each zone you are endowed with a greater gift to KNOW. This knowledge is important as it is with a sovereign right to become a power center in a world of chaos. The chaos is the spark of change to which all responds to seek safety from fear and flee negative forces.
From point to point the magnetic mental interplay will resonate until there is a sound. This sound will encapsulate an image and make it real and with substance it will be a stranger to the world of form. The forms you create using this thought will seek the correspondences to grow or destroy.
From the point of light where in this thought holds life there will be a binary connection to another light. The lights together form the triangle and in rhythm they move in unison towards the outer shell. As they reach the outer shell they are manifested in the substance and clothed in the form of the desire.
The technology to discover magic is in the frame of mental abilities and not in technology. The assistance that technology brings is the correspondence and the alignment of the body to become the tool of this evolution.
Your work in the Arcanum is the perfect incubation towards fulfillment of this experience. Others who have commanded the Nexus will be in a position to learn from your language dispensations. The achromatic mnemonics of the Arcanum is the key towards realigning the old language with new consciousness and manifesting the magic of translation which begins the transformation.
The functional synapse of each duad is the relative sycopath of the native functioning relative. The cognizant as you are the interiozation processor must activate the key codes in order for the chromosomal restructuring to be transported to dimensional scaling. From step one to step eight there is some degree of vitality in the process which requires a yielding and managing to hold the conscious steady in interactions with the nucleus. The force of the centrufision will open the doorway so that the casing can be completed.
From central processing there is another quick responder that will adhere to the walls of thein and also eliminate the structure for cohesion. After the centrifugal process completes the fissionary expansion and multiplication of the knots and the synergy strings there is a withholding of power which must take place for a period of three weeks of incubation. After that if it is so fit the process will be completed.
Opening the Ridazi
As you enter Ridazi you ideas, your world, your feelings will begin to change and you will see past the fog of disappearing memories and realize you are fulfilled and transfigured. Of this day at this moment from now on, in your own consciousnes you are Ridazi.