The First Day - Rysa
Smoke filled the already polluted air as I left the station heading for the
In the AKS office Denar stopped me before I sat down to tell me about the Ridazi and their exploits this morning.
“Rysa, the Ridazi are getting stronger and more deliberate in their disruptions on Corporate. This latest event was directed in the financial square and caused heavy damage at the currency markets.” Denar related to me the details of the sabotage of computer systems and how it would be offline for 12 hours while they replaced and reinstalled their security systems.
“Denar, I am more worried about my security system here with AKS.” I told him. “I must get to work and you should also. I don’t have time for idle talk about terrorists.”
It is not that I am not interested in the news of the day but I have been under pressure and must avoid any situation which would create a supervisor’s report.
In my situation I work for Algorithmic Keyword Systems, AKS as a Cognizant. AKS is second level Corporation and a software communication systems producer of keyword systems. As a Cognizant I redesign language through the AKS system which is Achromatic Mnemonic processing. Technical Language has become difficult to deal with from the stand point of the Corporate Dictates and the Advocates have issued an Executive Dictum establishing the AKS nomenclature.
First Level Corporations, their secondary Corporations and all syndicated companies are controlled and directed through the Advocacy. I am working on The Arcanum Project which is being held in greater secrecy and has more importance than any project I have been involved in. Everything I do is monitored and all my actions are watched. I am not the only Cognizant in the development of the project. I was even told the Terminus himself monitors progress on the Arcanum. Before I got involved in this I would have spent some free time with Denar and discussed the Ridazi and I would not have been so short with him.
AKS has provided me with a better quality of life than most in the City. Having a job inside working with the newer technologies is much preferred to the heat or cold of the day working in the fields, with the public or in the construction of some building for low wages. The dangers in Alonia have increased and in the capital city of
That layout was a pain to put into the spectrum. It made me very thirsty and dry but this bottled water AKS provides us tastes sweeter than usual. Its not satisfying… I cannot concentrate on these layouts….. the multiplication factors required to set up the achromatic sweeps will be set on 13 micro cycles and interior harmonic cycles of 7’s to the 91st octave. The synaptic response fields shall be synchronized through quantum flavoring using the Q field as an active filter for photon impulse pattering.…
On and on I work on these puzzles of Achromatic Mnemonics. I am losing interest and getting frustrated by the faster reintegration schedules I have on the screen reminding me of my next task. The whole Alonia Civilization has become mechanized operating without under more stress and pushing towards more and more impossible goals set forward by the Advocates.
Denar sent me a message, a poem he received from an agent in the Ridazi. Its interesting, intelligent but cryptic and unusual. The technical writing that we do at AKS can be very boring linguistically as we use a concise esoteric and scientific nomenclature. The words were written across my screen in a simple text file inside the file I was working on. Denar sent it to me encapsulated in the programming so it would not be detected by the Dictates. I have no time to be interrupted as each second is calculated and each moment of effort is demanded and accounted for. I read the message quickly.
“They walk in secret hallways; watch by the crawlspaces; seeking hidden doorways; beyond the inner walls. They are simple in their likeness; watchful in their rightfulness; they are always watching; beyond the middle door. They answer to the calling; of where they have not fallen; of the world they are a new beginning; they are always becoming us.”
I am concerned that Denar is getting too involved in the news and is beginning to let his fascination with these terrorists, these Votars disrupt his. Although no one really says much about it, security is very concerned about their abilities to infiltrate our technology. We have had many recent invasions into protected systems and it is apparent that the Votars or this Ridazi group is responsible. It was them we knew it had to be very talented persons who could disrupt our systems.
Denar, sent me the latest news reports on plans by the Advocates to capture terrorist.
“The AMI registration systems being developed by AKS will re-enable full security and safety for the public. It will also provide full disclosure of location, activity and history of each suspect who is a participant or party to these acts of terrorism against the State.”
AKS is involved in many security technologies and in reading this a chill went up my system when they referred to my work but in a much different way than I had expected. The Achromatic Mnemonic Processor = AMP was referred to not in the normal sense of a direct synaptic language interpretation device but as a public control system. The AMI, Achromatic Mnemonic Implant, is an implanted chip which provides full historical data on all activity of the individual who is implanted. It is recognized by security and is going to be used on all citizens. I am aware of the capabilities of this implant and the central processor. It can do more than merely keep track of a person’s movements and activity.
It makes me sick or weak as we have been designing an interface which can automatically alter thoughts through entrainment resonance functions using quantum flux waves to create dissonance patterns to force the mind towards compatible thoughts. It is really remarkable how the mind automatically finds stress relief through the technical methods we employ. The sheep syndrome as Jeysan called it was not unlike a sheep dog that would move the animals into position through a constant positioning stress in their paths.
The Arcanum project I realized was so important because it is the ultimate public control system, to entrain mental functions and create a peaceful submissive society for the corporations.
Denar sent me something else…
In their hearts there is a mission, it follows them like a sister; they hear the wind briskly; come up from the floor. There is a secret wishing; not of knowing who is listening; but of when the tree is falling; no one can tell or know. The ones who call you hereafter; will shoulder a path and gather; they will walk into the wilderness; and beyond the open doors.
The rhyme and pattern of words was relaxing and moved me to new thoughts. Every word seemed to guided me with its rhyme and rhythm, like music with a story. I read on.
In lessons in the secrets; the mission becomes clearer; the wisdom is revealed; as the doors open from below. He holds a dark blue candle; and stands in devoted splendor; remembrance of a teacher; behind a wooden door.
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